Special purpose units (activity centres, teen parent units, other)

This guidance supports schools to understand how special purpose units are resourced.

Level of compliance Main audience Other


  • Boards
  • Administrators
  • Principals and tumuaki

Some school boards operate units that have been set up for specific purposes, such as teen parent units and activity centres.

Special purpose units are staffed according to a special agreement, usually with specific approval of either the Ministry, or the Minister of Education.

Teen parent unit (secondary/composite schools only)


By agreement of Minister of Education.

Unique Ministry number



For students unable to learn in the mainstream educational system because of pregnancy and child rearing responsibilities. They must be within age range to receive free education when first enrolled with the class, so regular and regular adult students. This is up to age 19 and ending on 1 January after their nineteenth birthday.

Where space permits, returning adult students may attend but must be enrolled on the host school’s roll.

March and July roll returns

Eligible students up to a maximum on the supplementary form – not on the host school’s roll. Other attendees – returning adults and/or any other students above maximum roll only on host school’s roll.

Roll used for resourcing 

Approved maximum roll, subject to annual monitoring. Actual roll if well below maximum or there are concerns about validity.

Staffing entitlement

One full-time teacher equivalent (FTTE) teacher and one management unit per 10 students. 

Staffing notification

Identified in host school's entitlement as attached unit.

As for activity centre, at decile 1A.

Funding information

Operational funding information available through teen parent unit Pourato login. Relief teacher funding is included in host school's entitlement.

No other resourcing. 

Body responsible for governance, employment, reporting, resourcing, receiving payments

School board of host school.


General information

Local Ministry offices.


Data Collection Unit (see supplementary roll return form).


Resourcing Division contact centre:

Phone: +64 4 463 8383

Useful resources

Education Gazette, Notices: Board's Off-site Class or Use of Alternative Provider

Education Gazette 2 April 2001 – Education Gazette(external link)

Education Circular 2004/1: Teen Parent Units (TPUs) attached to secondary schools

Education circular 2004/1

Activity centres (secondary/composite schools only)


By agreement of Minister of Education – no more to be established.

Unique Ministry number



Consult the director of the individual centre about enrolment policy.

March and July roll returns

On the roll of the former school or host school.

Roll used for resourcing

Notional roll of 20:10 in Year 9–10, and 10 in Year 11–15.

Staffing entitlement

A full-time director with 2 salary units, plus a full-time base scale teaching position.

Staffing notification

Identified in host school's entitlement as attached unit.

Operational funding entitlement

Base funding at activity centre rate, decile-related at decile 1A, other components depend on roll/property/location.

Funding information

Operational funding information available through activity centre Pourato login. Relief teacher funding is included in host school's entitlement.

No other resourcing.

Body responsible for governance, employment, reporting, resourcing, receiving payments

School board of host school.


General information

Local Ministry offices.


Data Collection Unit (see roll return form).


Resourcing Division contact centre:

Phone: 04 463 8383

Useful resources

Education Gazette 2 April 2001, Notices: Board's Off-site Class or Use of Alternative Provider

Education Gazette 2 April 2001(external link)

Alternative education (secondary/composite schools only)


Lead school in consortium signs a memorandum of agreement with Ministry of Education, plus a contract with the provider.

Unique Ministry number



Schools have an annual allocation for students aged 13–15 who are alienated from school. Students verified by the Ministry of Education.

March and July roll returns

Separate column provided in returns. Enter on return of the school where the student is enrolled.

Roll used for resourcing 

Number of approved students.

Staffing entitlement

N/A – not included in staffing entitlement.

Staffing notification


Operational funding entitlement

N/A – not included in operational funding entitlement.

Funding information


Other resourcing

Funded for each student place through separate contract.

Body responsible for governance, employment, reporting, resourcing, receiving payments

School board of responsible school.


General information

Local Ministry office.


Data Collection Unit (see roll return form).


Early Childhood and Regional Education.

Useful resources

Education Gazette 2 April 2001, Notices: Board's Off-site Class or Use of Alternative Provider

Education Gazette 2 April 2001 – Gazette(external link)

Other official special purpose unit by ministerial agreement


By agreement of Minister/Ministry of Education.

Unique Ministry number

Not usually.


Depends on agreement; usually at discretion of the board of trustees.

March and July roll returns

On roll of host school.

Roll used for resourcing 

Depends on agreement – actual or notional roll.

Staffing entitlement

Depends on agreement.

Staff notification

Identified in host school's entitlement.

Operational funding entitlement

Depends on agreement.

Funding information

Normally total appears on host school's instalment notices. Separate calculation may be sent.

Other resourcing


Body responsible for governance, employment, reporting, resourcing, receiving payments

School board of host school.


General information

Local Ministry offices.


Data Collection Unit: School roll return forms (March 2024) – Education Counts(external link)


Resourcing Division contact centre:

Phone: 04 463 8383

Useful resources

Education Gazette 2 April 2001, Notices: Board's Off-site Class or Use of Alternative Provider

Education Gazette 2 April 2001(external link)

Other official special purpose unit by board decision


By decision of a school board, but see Education Gazette notice of 2 April 2001. Resourcing is provided to the school that the student is enrolled at.

Unique Ministry number



At boards' discretion, but the board is responsible for the students. Resourcing is provided to the school where the student is enrolled.

March and July roll returns

Included in host school roll.

Roll used for resourcing 

No separate roll.

Staffing entitlement

Part of host school's entitlement. 

Staffing notification

No separate notification.

Operational funding entitlement

Part of host school's entitlement.

Funding information

No separate notification.

Other resourcing


Body responsible for governance, employment, reporting, resourcing, receiving payments

School board of host school.


General information

Local Ministry offices.





Useful resources

Education Gazette 2 April 2001, Notices: Board's Off-site Class or Use of Alternative Provider

Education Gazette 2 April 2001 – Gazette(external link)

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